
Coaching can provide valuable support to your employees to develop their full potential, improve performance and overcome challenges.

Help your people thrive

Investing in coaching shows a strong commitment to individuals and can lead to significant benefits, including greater fulfilment, increased engagement and a motivation to excel. 

Coaching sessions can be delivered in person or virtually, using:

  • 1:1 bespoke coaching programmes
  • Coaching clinic days
  • Group coaching sessions
Read MY latest thinking and have me challenge YOUR thinking – on a regular basis.

1:1 Coaching Programmes

In 1:1 coaching programmes, the coach works closely with an individual to identify their growth opportunities and overcome challenges in a constructive and confidential way.

Programmes typically run over 6-8 months.  As well as the executive team, coaching can be offered to specific employee groups such as new managers; females and other under- represented groups and individuals identified as successors as part of talent management plans.

1:1 programmes begin with objective setting and together, the coach and individual will look at how to achieve each objective, overcome barriers and explore ways to unlock potential.  The coach may align with the employee’s manager to agree on goals and give visibility on any development or support needs.


Coaching Clinic Days

Coaching clinics give individuals across your team or department the dedicated time and space to benefit from professional coaching.

Typically, coaching clinics are a day of 1:1 sessions offered at set time each month, with individuals free to book support and discuss confidential issues without entering into more formal coaching programmes.   

The coaching can be used to discuss specific development areas such as confidence building, delegating and networking or to look at career paths and set longer term goals. They can also be used to deal with pressing challenges such as workload or managing pressure.

Coaching clinics are ideal for offering the benefit of coaching to a greater number of employees and dealing with broader development areas for your organisation. To ensure quality of delivery a maximum of four individuals.

Group coaching sessions

Give your employees the skills to be in-house coaches, build relationships with peers and support colleagues with development areas.

These sessions are group oriented, ideal for peers and facilitated by an accredited coach. Together, the group learn coaching skills and practice helping each other with current work scenarios.

The sessions are interactive, collaborative and practical. The coach facilitates discussions and helps the group understand how and when to apply coaching techniques.

Group coaching sessions are a great way to develop your employees and create a supportive, coaching culture in your wider organisation.

Learn how to consciously create your reallty!

Flexible and scalable
We know people have different challenges, so we offer flexible ways to help. Choose a fixed number of sessions or a drop in service. Focus on managers supporting others or staff under pressure. Whatever works best, you only ever pay per session we deliver.
Easy access
Staff book direct via an online calendar. To maintain confidentiality, you don’t know who we’ve spoken to and at the end of the month we give you a dashboard showing take-up and core themes that we see across the organisation.
Expert team
We are a team of accredited coaches and psychologists. We are trained and experienced in coaching people to work through crises and cope with change.

Get in touch to offer coaching services to your staff.